3 Periods, 2 Wrestlers, 1 Winner

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Warning: Wrestling may be harmful!

WARNING: Wrestling is a harmful sport if you don't know what your doing or you wrestle careless. Don't get me wrong; theres a difference between an amatuer wrestler and a wrestler who doesnt know how to wrestle. In wrestling there is no chairs or ropes, there are now crowds or masks, there is just you and your opponent. Wrestling has its occasional injurys, like a hyper extended elbow or a 2nd level concossion, but my goal is not to scare you of the dangers of wrestling, my goal is to inform you on it. I am briefing you to become a better wrestler but not only that, you can become a smarter wrestler. When being thrown by a suplex, laterall drop, etc. you dont want to try and brace yourself. As stupid as it sounds bracing yourself actually increases the chance of you hurting yourself. When falling follow through with the throw not only will it save you from a trip to the athletic trainer but it may allow you a chance to roll through the throw and score. This is an easy tip; you can ask your coach for any further questions maybe to explain what your suppose to do when your opponent is executing a throw. Hope this has made you aware, and dont forget...Win by Pin.
Picture provided by: http://www.rrstar.com/

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